Sunday, May 20, 2012

St. Andrews.

Hey hey,

Today we went to St. Andrews and then went to a few small villages around it. Had the best fish and chips right outside of St. Andrews. The Haddock was amazing to say the least. So delicious. Went to another small town where we saw a Saluki dog, which is the mascot of most of the other people in the group. Very pretty dog. Went to a bar earlier and had a lot of delicious scottish beer and whiskey.

Enjoy the pics.

Oh and pool here sucks, its on a small table and sometimes they play snooker. The pool table is much smaller with smaller balls and ques. Not fun.

On St. Andrews old course. 

1 comment:

  1. That dog was so smiling for you! Such human expression in his face. Also I love love LOVE the first boat picture from your last post, the boat that says Sandra. I want it framed in my house!
