Monday, December 17, 2012

Wyoming 3

We are getting ready to leave now, but it snowed non stop last night. We were worried that our flight was going to be canceled, but it seemed to make it in. It has been a really good trip, and the snow out here is beyond amazing. Here are just a few random ones from this morning, nothing fancy. Also a picture of what Beau and I do best, cook breakfast.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wyoming 2

Today we drove out around the town and saw a lot of beautiful landscapes and some elk. We also went through the Teton pass and almost into Idaho. Here are some from today, enjoy.


Hey everyone,

I havent really gotten out much with my camera but I have been able to get a few shots. Here are a few ones. The buck we saw the first day, Beau and I were standing out on the back porch and he walked past us about 30 feet away, it was amazing.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Even more dog pictures

Hey again,

So I took zoey along to the park yesterday because it was in the 60's and its December, so I took advantage of it. She is super difficult to take pictures of because she is so hyper and always into something. Here is what I got of her.

Also I am leaving for Wyoming on Thursday to go out for a few days, expect pictures from the trip.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Zoey again.

Here is Zoey again. She can be very stressful at times, but I gotta love her though. She is a furball of energy.

Monday, November 5, 2012


A little while ago I got my pup Zoey. She is a miniature Australian Shepard and she is currently 11 weeks old. Her and the cat are finally getting along.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Street Photography

Last night I went out and adventured some of the streets of Downtown Knoxville with my camera and this is what I got.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tennessee vs Florida

I dont believe I have ever seen Neyland like it was during the first half of the game last night. The crowd was insane, and I couldnt hear myself think. Unfortunately Tennessee lost to themselves. They lost all momentum during the fourth quarter and couldnt do anything after that. Here are a few shots from the game, it felt good to be back.


So it has been forever since I have shot anything. These pictures are a few months old, but it was one of the best shoots I have done so far. G was super fun to work with and we had a blast. Will try to keep updating my blog more and am determined to go shoot much more. Photography has been on the back burner for a little while now, but thats changing very soon.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Kersty Portrait

Hey everyone,

I asked Kersty to do a little portrait session yesterday since I havent shot a portrait in a very long time. Was a quick shoot and here is what we got out of it. Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Last Scotland Post

Hey everyone,

This will be my last post from Scotland. I am heading to London on Tuesday and will be packing and getting ready for that tomorrow. Scotland has definitely been an experience, both good and bad. It has been an amazing opportunity to be able to travel around this beautiful country and see the amazing things I have seen. This post isnt too picture heavy but its a few ones from different places.

This is a little river we went to yesterday, the woods had a ton of huge pine trees. The weird thing about it though was that the trees were planted in the 18th ct. Was a very great day to be outside.

This next picture is the place we have been staying. I went outside today with a tilt shift lens and played around with that. This is one of the pictures I got of it. It was another beautiful day here in Scotland and I am very thankful for that. 

Finally my favorite part of Scotland was Orkney Islands. This is Yesnaby the night before we left the island. It was amazing there and I already miss it.