Sunday, October 23, 2011

And back to Football

I know its a little late, but here are a few of the LSU pictures. It was a rough game for Tennessee.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!

Something other than Football

Hey everyone,

Today I stopped by Grace and Shane's place to meet little Campbell. He is 3 months old and is a great little baby. He was so confused at what the camera was and eventually took a nap. He was feeling a little bit under the weather with a cold so he wasnt as active as he normally is. Other than that he was great to take pictures of, and it was great seeing Shane and Grace again.

Here are a few of the pictures. I hope you enjoy them!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

UT vs Georgia

It was a tough game tonight but the atmosphere was amazing. The noise in the stadium is insane. Here are a few pics from the game. Enjoy

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tennessee Vs. Buffalo

Shot the game this past weekend vs. buffalo. It was a beautiful, but chilly, day for the game. The game was pretty good for the most part, got a little boring toward the end when Tennessee was up by 20+. Devrin Young had a couple of good returns to break him into the College football scene, he is going to be dangerous in the years to come. Here are a few pictures from the game. Next weekend is Georgia will be a thrilling game from start to finish. Enjoy!