Sunday, March 14, 2010

Back in knox and playing with the new camera

Well its good to be back in knox, even though it is raining. Its good to see allister as well. Who of course is going to be one of my first test subjects for testing out the camera.
Im so excited to be using this camera and for some of the opportunities coming up in the future with the photography. Hopefully I will be assisting a photographer with shooting some of the titans stuff. Then who knows.
Here are a couple of pictures pretty much straight out of the camera, im still learning about it and everything so they are not that great.


So those are just a few that I took with it. Im super excited to learn more about it. I have the photoshoot set up for this friday so that will be good to be able to use the studio light and the new camera and try to get a feel for that type of photography. Ill post a blog about it.

Also for the 2 people reading, if you know of anyone wanting a camera im selling my XSi with the 55-250 lens. Hit me up if you are interested.


  1. Beautiful! Lighting is perfect.

  2. allister looks fantastic, as usual! his eyes are all sparkly and bright, although it kinda looks like he's wearing a fez in the first one lol. and the portrait of your dad and henry is soooo perfect!
